

UNICEF HK Make A Video Finalist - Senior Secondary School Category
Morrow Milo Francisco Ong (Hong Kong Children & Youth Services)


A girl wants to have the Social Pass, therefore, she brings with her a box with the words “Everything I am” written on it and meets a boy. After checking the stuff inside the box, the boy realizes those are not the things he wanted. As such, he gives a new box to the girl, and the words “Everything you need to be” are written on the new box. The girl takes some time to reflect, and eventually, she throws away the box that she brought with her, and take the new box, so to obtain the pass.


Food for Thought:

  1. Which way did the protagonist use to respond to societal (including parents, teachers, peers and employers) expectations? (Five ways to handle conflicts: competition, collaboration, accommodation, compromise, avoidance) - Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)

  2. If you were the protagonist, what would you do to obtain the Social Pass? Choose ONE or more of the conflict handling methods above in explaining your choice.


Other Videos:

Make A Video - Without Glasses

Make A Video - Hat-trick
