Translating SDGs into actions, UNICEF HK organizes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) eLearn Award Scheme. Through an eLearn platform and self-directed learning, the Scheme allows students to take online lessons on different SDGs and commit practical steps in daily life in support of sustainable development of local community and the world.
- To promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, to educate students and raise their awareness on global issues.
- To nurture global citizenship by fostering students' commitment and actions in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.
- To encourage self-directed learning, and to connect online and offline learning experience.
Target: Secondary 1 to 6 students
Deadline: 9 April 2025
Period: 14 April to 3 August 2025
Students accomplishing certain number of online courses and actions will be awarded Gold, Silver or Bronze Certificate.
1. Student Registration
- All students are welcome to join the scheme. Outstanding participants may receive student awards.
- Please submit the online Student Registration Form by 9 April 2025 (Wednesday).
- A personal learning account will be created for the registered students to login the UNICEF HK eLearn Platform.
2. School Registration
- Schools are welcome to nominate students to join the Award Scheme by completing the online School Registration Form and uploading the Student Registration List by 9 April 2024 (Wednesday). There is no upper limit on the number of students nominated by each school.
- Registered schools will compete for school awards.
- Registered schools will receive UNICEF HK's latest updates or awards notification.
- Students nominated by schools are eligible to compete for student awards.

Ms. Wong
Tel: 2836 2934
Email:[email protected]